Monday, February 17, 2025

Meet Layla

Meet Layla

I had a hard time choosing a name for my character because I wanted it to fit her perfectly. I checked so many websites, meanings and after a long search I found the name Layla. It means “dark as night” in Arabic and that fits her so well. Layla is dealing with a lot of grief and I wanted her name to reflect that. I kept looking just in case but I knew Layla was the right choice.

Layla’s Look and Personality

Layla has a dark style to match how she feels inside. She was really close to her brother and losing him changed her. My partner and I are still deciding if she’ll wear a bracelet or necklace to remind her of him but whatever we pick will be important to her character.

Her personality will show through her clothes, her room and the way she acts. She doesn’t talk about her grief but you can see it in everything around her. Her room is messy, full of things she used to love but has stopped caring about. She used to have hobbies and interests but after her brother’s death she let them go.

Layla’s Struggles

Because of problems at home and what she’s dealing with inside Layla turns to drinking to cope. It slowly makes her lose herself, pushing her further from who she used to be. Her room reflects this with dusty trophies and forgotten achievements showing how much she’s changed. Her story is about her struggling but we also want to show a small moment of hope – maybe something that hints she still wants to find herself again.

We want Layla to feel real, like someone people can connect with. She’s not just grieving; she’s lost and her journey is about finding her way back.

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