After having researched the genre and figuring out the tone i want for my film opening, I officially have the plot. The story is going to be sad and emotional with a strong character struggle. I don't really do projects like this but i thik it can be fun to explore new tones and plots.
The story is about a teenage girl dealing with the loss of her younger brother due to suicide. She hears her parents arguing all the time, blaming each other on the brothers death. She has a lot of greif in her and finds an easy way out.
The film starts out with her lying on her bed, surrounded by pictures, hobbies, and things she used to love. She doesn’t do them anymore after the death of her brother she was lost and disconnected from everything. Then she walks out of her room and hears her parents fighting. They yell at each other, blaming each other for their son's death. She can’t take it and runs back to her room, grabbing the last of the alcohol she has, and sneaks out.
She rides her bike to meet someone who has more alcohol for her. The shots focusing on the various emotions she gets the whole time. She isn't just getting away, shes trying to escape reality for as long as she can.
These scenes gives me a lot to work with emotionally and visually in just two minutes. Now that I have the basic plan, I can work on the details and develop the character more. I’m excited to see how this turns out!
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